Wednesday, March 21, 2007

music to ears is like sun rays

i would like to send a sincere apology to....

my ipod..

the battery ran out on my ipod awhile back and i didn't charge it for almost 3 weeks!.. i wasn't sure if i was gonna be able to resuscitate it after so long, but don't worry.. she's ok now..

i didn't get a lot of sleep last night.. but i wanna write in this blog cuz i finally have some free time.. but i don't know what to write about.. this post has seriously taken me like 2 hours of idle-listen-to-music-surf-the-internet-try-to-write-in-your-blog time... maybe it's cuz i didn't get a lot of sleep..

it's funny seeing freshmen in the etcheverry computer labs working on their e28 (CAD class) homework.. that was me 4 years ago.. it's funny how they say it's hella late already when it's like 11pm.. and i'm getting there at like 1030 just starting.. oh silly freshmen..

for once.. i truly wish i could devote more time to my studying.. i know it sounds hella stupid for two reasons... 1) why am i being such a nerd hella wanting to do my homework??.. and 2) why don't i just stop some of the things i'm doing so i could free up more time for homework??... i wish it was that easy to quit things.. but i am having fun doing everything..

anyways.. can't wait for next semester, when i can focus on school.. and start fresh with some other things..

lead singer/rapper of the roots, black thought, makes the SAME EXACT reference to charleton heston in two songs.. one on the track "in the music" off of "game theory"; and one on "my favorite mutiny" off of "pick a bigger weapon" by the coup.. actually it's a reference to one of my favorite movies, "bowling for columbine"..

bet you didn't know that..

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