Wednesday, September 20, 2006

the pen is definitely mightier

writing well is powerful
it can make people shut up

like when wally write's a response to absolutely anything.

i don't know if you read this wally.


i hope you never write a response against anything i write.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

if you still have faith

i'm really really sorry that i haven't posted in exactly two weeks.

but just know that the sun's a-comin' because i will be purchasing a new computer, sorta..
and i will have access to blogger dot com more often. and we really need to move my desk out of my room but that is beside the point..

the point is that i need to be posting since i have a blog and since what i say is pretty fresh..

just kidding..

let's have fun with rhyme time shall we..

it's hasn't been the same
it seems we no longer relate
but would you still be my friend
if i took you out of my top 8

this goes out to absolutely nobody so don't be trying to read into me or anything.. just a line i thought about when thinking about myspace..