Wednesday, April 18, 2012

it's what's for dinner, dammit

if there's a sexier green than kale, i'm pretty sure you're making that up. nothing is sexier than kale.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

let me twitter dat

i've invented separated replies. i'll detail how they work once i find out if it's a good invention. stay tuned world.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

fun thing to do

it's time to just accept the way facebook and twitter make you feel like a stalker and have fun with it.

sometimes when i see somebody posted something "a couple of seconds ago" i text them right away with a reply to whatever they posted. it's pretty hilarious. they're all like "my god, he's stalking me!" and i'm like "haha. classic me."

we should all do it. but don't acknowledge the funny stalker aspect. just do it enough so that when you finally see that friend in person they give you a smile and a O_O.

let's make everything awkward.

Monday, February 13, 2012

100 miles and running

i feel like i should write something here. i have a bunch of fotos of food i've eaten on saturday during the past year, and i suppose i could post them here, but that wouldn't be all that satisfying to me. maybe if i spent time thinking of clever captions for each of the pictures then it might be satisfying. nah prolly wouldn't be satisfying.

i regularly forget how old i am nowadays. i don't know what that's a product of. it reminds me of a time in high school during a dance, a girl came up to me and asked if i wanted to dance, and i said yes. we started dancing and then started awkward dance talking. she asked what grade i was and i forgot i was a sophomore so i said "freshmen". she said she was a junior. she left me soon after that. i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings, girl. i think you were asian. you were prolly asian. in any case, your judgement of my age when you had worked up courage to ask me to dance was correct enough, i think.

cheers to another year. let's eat somewhere.