Wednesday, August 13, 2008

trader joes pizza dough

this shit is the bomb. april and I have started a healthy addiction to the trader joe's pizza dough. i've made pizza dough from scratch before, and that shit is pretty boring. maybe not boring, but it didn't tickle my fancy, and i'm not even sure it came out ok.

but trader joe's pizza dough takes all the hard work out of the equation.
this was our attempt to replicate some of the deliciousness of the berkeley bowl corn pizza. april likes hella cheese so you can't see that we put corn and cilantro and pine nuts on the pizza under the 5 inches of melted cheese, but you can see the limes. delicious.this wasn't our best looking pizza. we have made great strides to make sure the toppings get farther out to the edge of the pizza and that our crust isn't so thick. but it was scrumptious nonetheless.

on a side note: baking lime wedges makes them a bit bitter and really juicy, prolly just right for cocktails. i shall try this and let you know what happens.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

that's how we roll in the usa

who's watching the olympics?

did you see the usa's stunningly unexpected upset to be the 3rd best team in the world?

what did you think of horton? doesn't he talk funny?

what about bay area native, kevin "that's my white name" tan? choke artist?

doesn't team usa kinna remind you of a close knit family of complete douchebags?

(i would like to say that i actually thought that i was pretty cool that the american team had 2 folks of color and thought about writing about that instead, but it wouldn't be as funny)

((i think i'll continue this commentary on the Olympiad until it's over, seeing as it's very much discussed and i had already remembered all the channels covering it))

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i'm gonna try and watch more jon stewart. i think it's a bit of a college/hipster thing to do.

i'm also gonna try and incorporate redenbacher into my vocab.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


i've maintained pretty much the same look for over 5 years now.

maybe by 5th or 6th grade i starting gelling my hair, and did that almost every day, at least during the school year. i even did that for the first 3 years of high school, even though i went to an all boys school.

senior year of high school i took the cow lick/wake up wings approach.

maybe a month or so after graduation, my scruff had grown and i kinna liked it, and i had decided that i would shave my head. my barber friend armando fixed my sideburns and my scruff along with shaving my head and i decided that i really like that look. and i've pretty much kept it ever since.

i only say this cuz my shit is hella itchy right now. and i wonder if i should shave it or not.