Tuesday, September 4, 2007

go bears murrfockrrr

the way i joke around with my friends now is completely different than the way i used to joke around with friends.

even though my major at Berkeley is heavily technical, i have learned a lot about other things, one being political correctness.. don't get me wrong, my jokes aren't at all always politically correct or aware, but now, i have an appreciation for what's cool to joke about, and what's downright asshole to joke about..

case in point, michael vick. i'm sorry, but american media just took this one too far. don't get me wrong, the crimes are inhumane and wrong, but shit, you're gonna go out and make michael vick the frickin devil, for what? for not being able to let go of where he came from?.. [tangent warning] i mean, there are other powerful rich white americans that do worse shit, such as treating other things inhumanely, let's say, people, or maybe just women, and they get away with it.. but they never make a frickin headline..

and so, we get to joke about it.. it's not like we're trying to poke fun of michael vick.. but more of the situation.. and don't worry.. it'll make him a better person anyway..

but for now, we shall always have our fantasy dogfighting league, with the bad newz kennelz, the good newz puppiez, and the across the board winner "kibbles'n'vicks"

(ever reread your blog and it turns out not as good as you hoped it would be?)


camille said...

i like how your title had absolutely nothing to do with your blog

unknown said...

there are asians that do worse as well. "model minority" doesn't always quite hold, but the media doesn't highlight that, either. maybe because there aren't a lot of asians in professional athletics, what do you think? the prison system will shows us that there aren't as much asians and whites in jail or in trial as there are blacks and latinos. so how come asians don't get pointed at as being the stereotypical "man-on-top," i wonder? anyhow, i feel lucky.

but i guess there are a lot of things to take into consideration. michael vick's public housing past vs. the gratitude he might have gotten having been a full athletic scholarship to virgina tech. what we can use to argue for him can be turned around with another fact that can be used to argue against him.

joshua said...

yes there are jean.. and i don't really report about the bad asians..

you should read kat's last post on her blog, kabanilla.blogspot.com
about ms. fernandez

some people would call Ms. Fernandez a sellout, or maybe even a twinkie, or coconut...

i'll just say it..
what a bitch...

but actually, that wasn't what you were talking about.. i just wanted to put that in there..

still, you're right..