Monday, November 27, 2006

white people revisited

in the midst of all this drama
arab americans being tasered by blacks and asians
michael "kkkramer" richards doing a standup

i would like to revisit my white people topic, even though it has only been 1 post ago.

i feel it is necessary because there are many people (that i am ASSUMING to be white) that have let me down. has anybody read the comments that people would leave on or regarding the respective videos?!? FUCKIN OUTRIGHT RACISTS! don't care who the hell knows that they're a racist.. let me give you and example from

3. The truth hurts. Those were NIGGERS and I'm sick and tired of anyone defending these monkeys. You've all seen them, in the movies, on the streets, on TV. Uneducated, disrespectful, animals, that's it, bottom line.
Posted at 12:55PM on Nov 25th 2006 by Billy ray

uhh.. excuse me billy ray (nice un-obvious name) ??.. did you just say "monkeys"??. maybe nobody told you, but using the word "monkeys" to describe people makes you a racist.. actually i take that back.. it just makes you a white supremacist.. and i'm assuming you're white... which you prolly are..(and you prolly still are a racist)

did you just say "in the movies... on TV"??
excuse me again billy ray.. but i need to inform you that black people on tv and in the movies (even in the most "wholesome" of movies, like in the little rascals, buckwheat) are often stereotyped by script writers and directors named bobby ray and billy bob, who are also racists..

i don't expect billy ray to read my post.. (actually i don't want him to read it. he prolly got his shotgun tied to a confederate flag somewhere ready to hunt me down like the uneducated and disrespectful animal that i am).. i just wanted to post somewhere to tell anybody that reads this that we as a society may not have progressed as far as we thought we did.. racism, as seen here, is still very much a part of society...

actually to restate what i learned from dylan (sorry wally, i forgot his last name) this country and maybe even this whole world works under two assumptions of white supremacy and black disposability.. crazy right??..too extreme right??.. that's what i thought.. but just take a quick comparison between hurricane katrina and 9/11.. which one were you most intrigued by??.. which one did you see the most coverage of??.. black people being killed, or white people being killed.. when he asked me this question.. i said 9/11.. then i realized he was right..


unknown said...

you know, it's seems a little funny...that the way we humans feel we can even out the score (i.e., make the "white supremacy, black disposability" value the small country of america rotates its axis around)is to attack those we think aren't affected (in this case, the "white" people).

because for sure, FOR SURE, that's the way to make the world more fair, right? not treating others like we want to be treated. but instead, treat them like they treat us. yeah...

yeah...that's what we should be showing to God when he's watching us from his high definition earth tv. "hey, look, God, since we don't give thanks to you on thanksgiving, we'll offer you our actions. this is our gratitude. watch us even out the playing field with those whites. not with our actions; heavens, no. it never made any sense in this world to make things more fair like being the change we want to see in the world. what has gandhi done compared to that dylan something? and martin luther king, jr.? psh. those men knew nothing. why did they go about the civil way? why were they so nice to white people? why did they never cry "white supremacist!" to those racists? why did they choose eloquence to fight with? if only they had known that the only way to get even is to show just a little...just a little...condescension. maybe even a touch of assumption. thank you, O Lord, for teaching me to be better."

joshua said...

jean louise?!?!.. you read my blog?!?!.. worrrrrd?!?!.. oh man.. i gotta write better

well to comment on your comment.. i would like to say a couple things..

after reading my blog about like 10 more times after you commented.. i guess it may seem like i'm always attacking white people in my life.. which isn't true.. actually in my previous blog, all i was trying to do was justify my frequent use of white people jokes in my own daily conversations with people.. and they are just jokes.. not direct attacks on particular white people.. just jokes with a known american history of racism as context..

i really do feel that this world can sometimes be unfair.. and that there is a right way to combat that.. and the right way certainly is not to bash on white people.. i hope that's what people are thinking my message is.. (this blog really is just what i'm thinking when i get emotional enough to feel that i have to right, which means there'll be a lot of emotions on it)

but i also feel that we have to be pro-active to a certain extent.. martin luther king, jr. is idolized for his nonviolent resistance, and he was a great leader in my opinion.. but what i was trying to get at was this.. how far have we really come since king, jr??.. and who encourages us to idolize him??..

i don't know the right answer, but all i wanted to do was encourage folks to wonder about these things..

my blog is heavily biased, i know.. but most of the time i just want folks to think about what i'm writing...

iono... it hurt my head trying to respond to your comment..

thanks for commenting, though.. =)