Wednesday, November 15, 2006

one of them

there is a big big big big big big difference between just talking and talking and talking about something you're really passionate about, and actually doing something, like physically doing something..

for example
i can talk to my mom or friends about why i love cooking and all the things i plan to cook, but most of these potential recipes never get any play.. i never really make the effort and my mind gets caught up in something else.. it sucks that i talk a lot but never really do as much as i talk...

it's sad i know..
and unfortunately, there are 0thers just like me.. except they're not passionate about cooking..

(my title is taken from a Jurassic 5 song off the album Power in Numbers, no matter what EJ says, i still think it's just as good an album as Quality Control)

1 comment:

emilyn said...

its ok, i think power in numbers is a good album too!

p.s. cassava? lol tell me when you learn how to cook that. in the meantime, my stomach and i will be waiting patiently :)