Monday, May 22, 2006

blackbook material

i think that the kitchens in chinese restaurants are places of beauty.. not the most aesthetically pleasing places but they are seriously places of awe for me.. cuz the cooks in there are frickin AMAZING.. all they have is ONE wok, a big metal ladle and a metal spatula and they can churn out like 100 different items with the food they have to work with.. it's so crazy how choreographed their movements are and how good their timing is with everything.. and really.. you never meet these chefs at the restaurant.. but they are some of the most skilled people EVER!..

also.. i would like to point out that BART is the great equilizer of the bay area.. everybody takes bart.. and there is no dress code for it either.. you can be in sweats as i was today.. or in a 3-piece suit as was the dude next to me.. maybe a tux would be really weird on BART.. but i wouldn't be surprised if i saw it.. no one ever bothers me on BART either.. which is weird cuz i hear a lot of other stories about people got bothered on BART.. maybe it's cuz of my hooded sweatshirt..


1 comment:

Patrici said...

let's take pictures in a chinese restaurant's kitchen

x3 this weekend? no? i wanna see it ASAP but i gotta get my work schedule for next week 1st... :(