Sunday, July 3, 2011

shuffle songs

i used to never like shuffling songs on my ipod. for one, i liked listening to a whole album front to back because some albums just have that nice flow to them, and i didn't wanna be robbed of the pleasure of enjoying that nice flow. for two, it's a lot easier to memorize songs that way. and we all know to look as cool as possible, you gotta be able to sing every song word for word while driving in your car. but also, i didn't like the fact that if i shuffled songs, i wouldn't know what song was coming up next, and i didn't like that uncertainty.

i've now come to accept and appreciate the chaos in my mind created when i elect to shuffle songs. if i don't like the song, i'll just hit next and move on. no harm.


mc said...

I love shuffling, but I've found that the "next" button also standardizes my playlists some times. Some songs just don't get the love that they would if I just had to sit through them to get to the next one. I guess every rose has it's thorn...don't really like that song so ::SKIP::

emilyn said...

Me too Josh! One time I had my iPod on shuffle when Nicky and Rick were in my car, and Toxic came on. damn. LOL