Sunday, July 24, 2011

how i got over

i go to chipotles a lot.

a lot.

but i always get the burrito bowl.

you should know why.

alright, enough with this one line shit, paragraph's here, and i've brought a friend. anytime i've gone to chipotle, or any mexican place for that matter, i've always wanted to get a burrito or taco but couldn't. and i would tell myself that i would go back to these mexican places during a cheatday and pig out, and get it out of my system. i was sure that one time would be enough and that i could just get over it. it wouldn't be as good as i made it out to be in my head.

i was sure of it. today i made it a priority to get in a burrito before cheat day ended. chipotle, carne asada, cheese, guac, sour cream, and corn. i brought it home with an hour left, and was already preparing my "i'm over this shit" speech. this shit was not ready for me to bring my pimp hand of judgment upon its foil wrapped self.


it was flippin delicious.

what does it all mean

1 comment:

emilyn said...

It means you now need to try Los Gallos in Newark :)