Monday, June 2, 2008

thinking just to think

sometimes i sit in church wondering what i'm doing there. church don't do it for me anymore. i don't get inspired to be a better person at my particular church. i sit there and criticize everything the pastor is saying, thinking to myself, "i wonder if this is why it's hard for me to listen to lectures." i've had good pastors before, pastors that know that the pulpit is a privilege and you better have your A game every week. but at my church, it might as well be freshman calc.


i've really gotten good at people watching. i always liked eating at IB's on durant, because the tables were the perfect place to people watch. it's prolly sounds creepy, but sometimes i just stare at people, usually groups of people, and make up stories about who they are and what they do, and how they're related to each other.


you ever realize that the way you see yourself is not the way other people see you?

1 comment:

Cristal said...

i people watch and imagine stories. i don't think it's creepy. or maybe i don't think it's creepy because i do it too.

i read your blog, btw.