Saturday, November 24, 2007


(i get a lot of self reflection time during school vacations, or just whenever i get to go home to pacifica. i'm pretty sure almost all of the posts i've written about myself have come from my computer in pacifica.)

i think i've said somewhere before that, even though i'm pretty sure that all my friends and families accept me for who i am, i've never felt that there has been a group of people that completely understand me. (there are some specific people that i'm i feel completely comfortable around, but i guess i've watched too many Friends episodes or something, and sometimes have longed for that over-idealistic "gang") and the wannabe-artsy part of me used to think that this was because i have a super over the top complex personality, or some BS like that. but now i'm pretty sure that i feel it's that way, because i don't completely understand myself.

that's all, i think i'll have to marinate on that thought for awhile.

it's kinna funny how i started thinking about this: i was at thanksgiving dinner with my cousins and we were all kinna just sitting around, and i said something that i've been thinking about for awhile,

me: "when does everybody feel their cleanest? like, that feeling that you don't wanna touch anything cuz it'll make you dirty again?"

(confused looks, and silence)

me: "i feel my cleanest when i take a dump and shower right after. after that shower, and until i get sweaty or dirty, go to bathroom, or fart, i feel like i'm as clean I as can be, cuz i feel clean on the inside AND on the outside"

cousins: "where did that come from?"


i am really happy with my life, though. happy enough to go around twice.

what's up kat? you're cool too, thanks for always being down to get hella drunk on the seriously the most random nights possible, and having hella fun doing it

1 comment:

unknown said...

i think i know what you mean about the whole having watched too many friends episodes. and then i silently take it out on the people whose fault it is not. maybe the key is to have that group of people watch a lot of friends episodes together. like an instructional video or something. that way we're all on the same page.

and i feel the cleanest after i've cleaned the house and then gone to the bathroom and then showered and used too many q-tips to clean my ears. because then it's got as dirty as possible then took more than enough measures to clean yourself. sometimes excessive cleaning is good because it gives you that little lee-way to get a little bit dirty and still be really clean because you over-cleaned yourself.