Wednesday, June 3, 2009


eggs are prolly the best food ever.
fat and protein
oil and water
scrambled or over easy

so good.

yesterday i discovered something new about eggs though:

i used to think that poaching your eggs was somewhere around the top for healthiest ways to prepare your eggs. there's no oil, so you aren't adding extra fat to the meal. and it just sounds healthier. poach. poached eggs

but when i was poaching an egg yesterday i realized how wrong i've been my whole life. poaching is prolly the least healthy method for serving eggs. cuz when you poach an egg, sometimes up to HALF of the white falls off, leaving you with less protein than you bargained for. then i realized, of course! eggs benedict, the butteriest thing you can have for breakfast, uses poached eggs.



la said...

i still think of you when i add water to my eggs :)

diana.grace said...

That explains the delicious-ness! Plus you add hollandaise sauce (sp?) which is even more buttery yolk-iness.

Anyway I had a boiled egg for lunch (kawawa, I know) and I thought- isn't BOILING an egg the healthiest way to cook it?