Monday, August 6, 2007

ya mama got a glass eye with a fish in it

i must say, that this weekend with my cousins & more was pretty fun. quite expensive, more expensive than i planned, but still pretty awesome.

fyi we went to san deezy. and got to stay at my relatively newly married cousin's house and also, we did a couple things while we were down there.

don't really like detailing what we did, cuz that would make me a blogger that likes to believe that people really like reliving my day in words on my blog, and let's face it, you know you sometimes like to do that, but i won't do that shit, because i'm hella old and grown now, and got a belly to prove it. i will however, try to relive some revelations that occurred to me while i was down there, and for the sake of the point i was making in this paragraph, i'll do that shit in chronological order.

1. there's no frickin point in getting a california burrito.. just order either a regular burrito, or the carne asada fries.. don't be trying to satisfy both urges with one stone.. that shit is dry and flavorless, adalberto, whoever the hell you are, take that shit off your menu..

2. i fuckin hate padres fans (except you, nicky ;) ) , especially the white ones that have the fuckin nerve to hold up asterisk signs.. umm excuse me??.. was it not the late ken caminiti that started all this shit??.. we shoulda came down there with a ken caminiti jersey with a fuckin asterisk where the number shoulda been, you white shit prolly racist fairweather murrdddthafurrkers... and don't come to me with that barry went 0-for-3 bull-ish.. which opposing player has the most fuckin homeruns against the padres??.. you basically built your outfield to protect against barry bonds.. and one last thing, don't be yelling out of your car sayin "giants suck" to me when your with your mom and you guys end up stopping right next to us.. good thing my wit wasn't as sharp as it could be.. i woulda blasted your 12-year-old wanna be a super sweet 16 ass if i was a little madder..

3. i had a dream that i was on the field when barry bonds hit 756. that was kinna funny.

4. next time we get to stay at a house. i'mma gonna cook better and we're gonna save all our money to go out and eat somewhere really nice once. we just gotta prepare better.

5. my kuya ronald has never been really that close with the rest of the cousins, he's really old like 30 something, and he was never really around when we all started growing up together. that being said, we got to watch on his tv, which is a satellite dvr, and it's pretty funny that he records all of the shows that all the other cousins watch, and not just prime time shows, but like man vs. wild, and ace of cakes.

6. always try and remind people of their cameras.

7. seaworld is not really that happening. it's cool though. at least they had some good food.

i'll post the funny pictures when they get emailed to me.

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