Wednesday, June 7, 2006

happy birfday june babies!

especially the sister.. thanks for the outing to the giants game!..
you are old.. but 23 is a good age to be..

but yes.. speaking of games.. this is for the obnoxious ass fans in our section..
don't get me wrong, i don't mind loud fans or anything like that.. but being annoying is different.. and how the hell are you gonna swear and cuss and be hella inappropriate with little kids RIGHT NEXT TO YOU looking back at you every time you scream some expletive.. daymn people.. where has the decency gone?.. haha.. and i love how you have to be with all your posse to muster up enough courage to say something to the players cuz you know if this were a normal bar setting, they'd wipe your ass up and down that bar..

and it didn't help that you all were white, with backwards hats, and sunglasses (to a night game)..

but i guess it was entertaining watching you disgrace yourselves.. stupid asses..

and to go to the other side of the spectrum.. this goes out to the poser in our section.. who only started to heckle the players once we had a 14-1 lead.. what the HELL??.. that is the closest thing to a home team bandwagoner i've ever seent..

iono.. i guess you had to be there..


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