that rat transmogrified into jesus, and he told me he was proud of me for sticking to my guns, even in the face of excommunication from the house that he built. and i was proud of myself.
there's prolly a message in that story.
there's no good time to take a picture during church. but i had to. there was a little boy in front of us that had brought toys to church, and had lined them up perfectly. i snapped this pic during the time when everybody was shaking hands. cuz that part of church always feels like the micro-recess of church. it's blurry cuz my mom kinna got mad at me and hit my shoulder mid-shot, the way eyawn would try to block my shot but really foul me in the process, and then complain about the call. me and my mom's exchange below the pic.
me: FOUL! i'm taking a picture, look how funny the toys look.
mom: oh.. lol
(really, i thought a long time about the caption for this pic.)
i'm trying to make a series of shots where i set my timer to 2 seconds and run away as fast as possible.
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