Saturday, January 23, 2010

man date with ian

first off, happy birthday to bev and to all january babies! sometimes it feels like our entire class has a birthday in january. i have more pictures from that night, but this post is not meant to embarrass you or anybody else, except dian. most readers will notice that i spend a fair amount of blogspace on one friend, mr. g, be it good or bad. i do have more friends, mom, i promise, i'm not gay, but more importantly, there's nothing wrong with being gay. anyways eyawn's just very.... bloggable. and it's fun.

here's deyawn, falling asleep on a 20 minute drive. who does that?

looking everywhere for farmville strategy guides.

mr. g carries this around wherever he goes. he's not a good tipper, but he'll stamp the receipt if you're cute. this better be your profile pic.
this is what ian uses to pick up on girls during his "cafe sessions". ask him how.

kickin in the cougar.

def NAG(not a ganster)


francesmae said...

HAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! this entry is awesome. i cant stop laughing

Eyawn said...

lemme clear up a few myths:

1. I don't stamp receipts. Only assignments and human skin.

2. Never have I attempted to 'pick up' on girls during cafe sessions nor is that "BELKIN" thing even mine.

3. The ride was probably 25 mins, which is ideal for power nap time.

... Nevertheless, applause on adding photography on the blog. Awesome work & I def feel the honor bein' the subject of this post.

Also, stoops.

mc said...

Also, weak arms.