Sunday, December 21, 2008

25 things

1. i really didn't wanna do this. but now i'm doing it because enough people have done it and now i feel left out (twss). i'm doing it on blogger cuz then i won't have to tag anybody and the virus can end with me. also because i have friends on facebook that i'm not really friends with. also because my comments section is lonely.

2. my mom had initially wanted to name me linus. i would probably have hated that as a little kid. now my alter-ego is linus van pelt from peanuts.

3. people have told me that i don't really stutter enough times for me to believe that i don't stutter. but i have vivid memories of times when i've stuttered, and i'll be embarrassed by me just recalling those times.

4. you know the brand of dairy products, "berkeley farms"? where exactly are the farms in berkeley?

5. if food is put in front of me to eat, i will almost always eat it. my parents have made sure that i am always grateful to be nourished.

6. when i was a sophomore or junior in college i learned that my grandma (my mom's mother) had wished for one of her grandkids to grow up to become a doctor. if i had known this when i was a sophomore or junior in highschool i wouldn't have applied to uc berkeley's college of engineering and would have tried for a path towards medicine there instead. not that i still can't become a doctor, but it's at least worth noting.

7. when i was in highschool, i gelled my hair everyday for four years and almost never had facial hair. one month after i graduated, i had facial hair and shaved my head. since then i've always had facial hear and have never since gelled my hair.

8. when i was a freshman at college, i wasn't really that interested in the cal bears football team, even though freshman were given free season tickets. i ended up attending only one game. cjay and i didn't know many people so we went to the game with the notion that we might stay. she wanted to go home home, so we made our way to bart and headed home. when i got home my dad asked me if i had went to the game. i said "yea dad, why?". "because they won", he said. it was the usc triple overtime game.

9. when i was in first grade, i pooped my pants on halloween. there aren't many people that i really know that don't know this story.

10. the earliest memory of my life that i can recall is waking up and wanting to go to the bathroom.

11. how long do you think a person can go without picking or blowing their nose?

12. i usually don't think too much of guys the first time i meet them. some of my best boyz of all time were doods that i thought were douchebags when i first met them.

13. i think dood is the unwhite way to spell it. dude makes my mind think of blond hair surfing douchebags.

14. 14 is my favorite number. 20 is my second favorite.

15. an ultimate goal of mine is to be able to cook practically anything, from scratch. i believe i'm about 1% there.

16. i kind of think this 25 thing is pointless if you already read my blog. i mean, why don't you just list the last 25 posts i did. it would practically be the same thing.

17. my blog title is from a song by the luniz. my most used online avatar-name-thing is from a song by james brown. i wonder if they knew each other.

18. if i ever have a son, one of his names will be david. from what my dad, aunts, and uncles tell me, my uncle dave was superman. my son will be superman as well.

19. i used to believe that after i died, i could ask god to send me back as anybody i wanted to be. when i was in 5th or 6th grade, i had made up my mind that i wanted to come back as forrest gump.

20. i once had a dream where i was a kid detective, and i had a white sidekick with brown hair, i think, and her name was grapes. right before i woke up, i was kissing grapes.

21. i think i have a terrible singing voice, but i like to sing anyway, unless somebody tells me that i have a terrible singing voice. then i become sweaty and embarrassed.

22. macapuno ice cream is my favorite flavor of ice cream, even though for the longest time i had no idea what macapuno was.

23. it still surprises me today how good my mom is at remembering everything, food-wise, that i love. and it's so sad how hard it is for me to shop for my mom at christmas.

24. the last thing my grandma (my dad's mother) ever said to me, was, in kapampangan, "when you get married, invite me to your wedding." i was only able to see her a couple times in my life, mostly when i was little, and so it's the only thing i can ever recall her saying to me. it's one of my most treasured memories.

25. i guess this 25 thing was ok. i wish some of this stuff would just come out in conversation with people, but i guess things don't really work like that.


Eyawn said...

8. wow. That’s the ultimate fail.

10. my earliest memory is looking up at a birthday balloon tied to my wrist as my dad carried me to the couch.

15. good goal

19. forrest gump? Not kobe?

21. I get that sweat feeling when students grill about some shit I said I’d do but forgot.

Unknown said...

9. best story i've heard
4. their farm/plant is located in hayward