Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy (grand)mother's day

i think i've talked a lot about my mom on this blog. and it's not like she doesn't deserve to still be talked about, especially on mother's day.. but i'mma talk about my grandma right now.

my grandma (we call her apu) cannot really see anymore. all she can really tell is whether it's light or dark. she also has a good amount of grandchildren, and most of us don't really see her more than once a week, usually at church.

anyways, something we all like to do is go up to her to greet her and hold her hand and say "Hi Apu, who am I?" to see if she can tell us apart.

something i'm proud of is that my grandma never forgets my voice. never. she's mistaken most of my other cousins for each other and even my sister for one of them too, but she always remembers my voice.

happy apu's day.

1 comment:

la said...

this post warmed my heart!