Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"i have a wide stance when i take a shit"

i'm not gonna even bother providing a link to the new york democratic governor eliot spitzer, and his involvement in a prostitution ring. i think i've already read at least 20 articles about this particular story that ended up in my reader.

that's gotta be at least three times in the past year that a political figure has been caught cheating on his wife. notice all cheat on their wives, not the other way around.

so i'm not totally sure about some of their positions on homosexuality and marriage, but something that never gets mentioned when shit like this happens is this:

why do these political american figures publicly humiliate their own marriages and at the same time refuse to let couples of the same sex get married?

also, spitzer's wife, silda, was by his side for support at his public confession statement or whatever, and if you've seen pictures, you know she don't look that supportive. and why should she? this fool is spreading the embarrassment by showing everybody the wife that he cheated on. reading around some more articles, i'm told that a political couple does this to show strength and to make the politician "look" stronger, whatever that means. i mean, people can read her face, she's not a happy wife right now. folks can deduce that the spitzer's are just putting up a front to "look" together. what does that say about our politicians if they try so hard working on the way they "look"?

sorry laker fan's, but kobe made vanessa bryant do it too.
low blow i know.

i wonder if spitzer can buy silda off with a giant ring.


Eyawn said...

stop living in the past.

Patrici said...

No one wants to talk about Eliot Spitzer anymore, everyone wants to talk about his $1,000-whore, her heartbreaking life story (posted on Myspace), how much her brother loves her and her mom is proud of her for "handling the governor" and of course her soon-to-explode R&B singing career in which she will sing on really bad music tracks with Akon

Anyway, thank you for taking a unique stance on this issue. lol.