Thursday, January 18, 2007

for the love, but not really

so why do i do paa??..

paa is one of those organizations where it's not so clear cut to why people do it..

ok.. maybe it's a mistake to say that.. there are a couple big reasons why people participate in things like paa..

for example, we have pcn-ers.. people that don't really care about anything in the organization til spring semester.. and in my opinion, this is totally fine.. pcn is a great way to get introduced and involved in this organization.. it's a big reason why i'm in this organization and continues to be a big reason why i'm still doing it... HOWEVER, (and this really is a big however).. these same people must come to realize that paa is really a lot more than just pcn.. and moreover, pcn isn't the most important thing in the world!..

there are also those people that do pcn without actually caring about what pcn is about, only their particular part.. and that's not cool.. you shouldn't be using pcn to show off your dance moves.. you should be dancing to show off pcn.. that shit just gets be mad...

anyways, back to the paa discussion..
there are also people that do paa for the social aspect of it.. this is also how i got into this organization.. truth be told, i just wanted filipinos to hang out with in college, cuz that's what i did in high school and that was a comfort zone for me.. but the shit that gets to me is when this aspect is what runs all interest in this organization, like it becomes the ONLY reason that people do paa.. then other components get run over because it feels like this shit is all people really care about.. and that is why i feel sad and tired when i think of this organization and really many college organizations just like it... it is my opinion that sometimes, filipino college students get trapped into thinking that we're doing some positive shit by joining the pil org, when really, we're just kidding ourselves.. cuz nobody really wants to talk about sad issues that affect our people.. and everybody likes a good paarty..

so excuse for being mad..
i've thought long about this..
i'll tell you laters why i'm doing it..

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